Aminet 4
Aminet 4 - November 1994.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
936 lines
// TimePlanner V1.0 © 1993 L. Vanhelsuwé
// ---------------- --------------------
// Background deamon for starting periodic background processes or for reminding
// users of appointments (birthdays, car insurance, ...).
// Uses an Events file to find out when to become active and notify user or to
// execute secondary batch processes.
// BUGS:
// -----
// -Program is not localization-proof. When locale is not English : corruption
// occurs in EV.LST
// History:
// --------
// Sat 24-JAN-93: started this file.
// Sun 31-JAN-93: finished basic useful version
// Sun 09-MAY-93: added early reminder "X DAYS/HOURS/MINUTES to go before.."
// Mon 10-MAY-93: added ENV:EV.LST marking to find out where we're waiting
// bumped revision to 1.1
// Tue 18-MAY-93: added graceful exit for 1.3 users.
// Fri 21-JAN-94: implemented EXECUTE option to execute batch files or commands
// added delay after initial loading for faster/clearer startup
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef AMIGA
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <dos/dos.h>
#include <dos/datetime.h>
#include <intuition/screens.h>
#include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
#include <graphics/gfx.h>
#include <clib/exec_protos.h> // ANSI function prototypes
#include <clib/alib_protos.h>
#include <clib/dos_protos.h>
#include <clib/graphics_protos.h>
#include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
#define MAX_REMINDERS (12) // upto N-1 early reminders
#define COLON (':')
#define SEMICOLON (';')
#define COMMA (',')
#define HYPHEN ('-')
#define QUOTE ('"')
#define VERT_BAR ('|')
#define TAB (9)
#define LF (10)
#define ASTERISK ('*')
#define SPACE (32)
#define MINUTETICKS (60*50) // 50 Amiga TICKS in a second
#define NUM_DAYS (7)
#define NUM_MONTHS (12)
#define BUT_OK (1)
#define BUT_CANCEL (2)
// Function prototypes
// -------------------
void parse_user_events ( void );
void skip_line ( void );
void skip_whitespc ( void );
void print_line ( void );
char popup_requester ( char *msg, char buttons);
void make_exe_file ( void );
void process_line ( void );
void process_on_line ( void );
void init_TP ( void );
void adjust ( struct DateStamp *ds, ULONG ticks);
void handle_events ( void );
void mark_file ( char *file, int position, char *tag);
void do_event ( char *req_msg, char *batch_file);
char * load_file ( char * filename);
BOOL is_string ( char * txt, char * string);
BOOL DStampToStr ( struct DateStamp *ds, char *daystr, char *datestr, char *timestr);
short get_num ( void );
short get_month ( void );
short get_dayname ( void );
short process_remind_line ( void );
short month_from_str ( char *month );
// Global statics
// --------------
struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase; // for access to ActiveWindow
struct DateStamp datestamp; // for DateStamp(), DateToStr(),..
struct DateTime datetime;
char day_str[16]; // Wednesday is biggest
char date_str[10]; // 24-JAN-93
char time_str[10]; // 21:47:47
char *file_buf, *events_file;
char *txt; // text pointer (into buffer)
ULONG file_size;
struct REM // REMINDER structure
struct DateStamp REM_ds;
char REM_string[80];
struct REM reminders[MAX_REMINDERS]; // 0..N reminder dates/times
char month_codes[]="0123456789AB"; // month codes
char *months[]={"JAN","FEB","MAR","APR","MAY","JUN",
char *days[]={"MON","TUE","WED","THU","FRI","SAT","SUN"};
char *version = "$VER: TimePlanner 1.0 ©LVA 22/JAN/94\n";
FILE *fh; // file handle
BOOL ok;
int i;
// outline of program:
// - from user events file, create a sorted formalized version
// - process all future events by waiting for event time, then executing action
void main (void) {
struct DosBase * libptr;
printf("TimePlanner (TM) V1.0\n");
printf("Designed and implemented by Laurence Vanhelsuwé © Jan 1993\n\n");
libptr = ( struct DosBase*) OpenLibrary("dos.library", 37); // check for 2.0 OS
if (libptr) {
CloseLibrary((struct Library*)libptr);
Delay(5*50); // let startup-sequence complete
init_TP(); // initialize things
events_file = load_file("S:EVENTS"); // cache user events file
parse_user_events(); // generate formalised events list
FreeMem(file_buf, file_size); // free user events file buffer
Execute("Sort ENV:ev.raw TO ENV:ev.lst", NULL, NULL); // sort events on date
DeleteFile("ENV:ev.raw"); // delete unsorted file
handle_events(); // process queue, waiting for right times..
FreeMem(file_buf, file_size); // free events file buffer
} else {
needs AmigaDOS 2.0 (V37+)...
printf("TimePlanner quitting. Have a nice day.\n");
// Initialize program.
void init_TP (void) {
ok = DStampToStr(&datestamp, day_str, date_str, time_str);
printf("Today is %s %s and the time is %s\n", day_str, date_str, time_str);
IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase*) OpenLibrary("intuition.library", 36);
if (!IntuitionBase) {
printf("TimePlanner ERROR: No IntuitionBase !\n");
// Scan through sorted events list, waiting for next event and then executing
// the required action.
// Example lines:
// 1994 0 22 15:55:00 R 5 Minutes to go before...Jonah !|
// 1994 0 22 16:00:00 N Jonah !|
void handle_events( void ) {
unsigned int delay,offset;
short day,month,year,hour,minute;
ULONG tmin_days,tmin_mins,tmin_ticks; // T-minus X days, minutes, ticks
char ch;
char * req_msg; // pointer to text for requester
char * file_end;
char datestring[20], timestring[20];
char * batch_file; // don't execute anything
static char reminder_msg[256];
txt = events_file = load_file("ENV:EV.LST"); // load sorted events file
file_end = txt + file_size; // calculate EOF in buffer
while (txt < file_end) { // while not past EOF
req_msg = NULL;
batch_file = NULL; // assume no BATCH file
offset = txt - events_file;
mark_file ("ENV:EV.LST", offset, ">"); // label line we're waiting on
year = get_num(); txt++; // get event date and time...
month = (*txt) < 'A' ? (*txt)-'0' : (*txt)-'A'+10;
txt +=2;
day = get_num(); txt++; // skip space
hour = get_num(); txt++; // skip COLON
minute = get_num(); txt++; // skip COLON
get_num(); // discard seconds field
txt++; // skip space char
ch = *txt++;
switch (ch) {
case 'N': txt++; // skip space
req_msg = txt; // notif. msg is user's string
while (*txt++ != VERT_BAR) ;
*(txt-1) = 0; // turn into C-string
if (*txt == LF) break;
txt++; // skip space
if (*txt++ == 'E') {
txt++; // skip space
txt++; // skip filename quote
batch_file = txt;
while (*txt != QUOTE) txt++;
*txt++ = 0; // turn filname into C-string
case 'R': txt++; // skip space
req_msg = txt;
while (*txt++ != VERT_BAR) ;
*(txt-1) = 0; // turn into C-string
sprintf(reminder_msg, "EARLY REMINDER MESSAGE:\n\n");
sprintf(reminder_msg+24, req_msg);
req_msg = reminder_msg;
case 'E': txt++; // skip space
txt++; // skip filename quote
batch_file = txt;
while (*txt != QUOTE) txt++;
*txt++ = 0; // turn filname into C-string
skip_line(); // discard any comments after command
//printf("READY TO ROLL ? %4d %c %02d %02d:%02d\n", year, month_codes[month], day, hour, minute);
// create date & time strings for submission to StrToDate()
sprintf(datestring, "%02d-%s-%02d",day, months[month], year-1900);
sprintf(timestring, "%02d:%02d", hour, minute);
datetime.dat_Format = FORMAT_DOS;
datetime.dat_StrDate= datestring;
datetime.dat_StrTime= timestring;
datetime.dat_Flags = 0;
DateStamp(&datestamp); // find out what day/time is now
if (hour == 0 && minute == 0) { // if event doesn't specify a time
// check whether event happens today
if (datestamp.ds_Days == datetime.dat_Stamp.ds_Days)
do_event(req_msg, batch_file);
// check whether event is in past or future
if (CompareDates(&datestamp, &datetime.dat_Stamp) > 0) {
// calculate # of Ticks before event fires.
tmin_days = datetime.dat_Stamp.ds_Days - datestamp.ds_Days;
tmin_mins = datetime.dat_Stamp.ds_Minute - datestamp.ds_Minute;
tmin_ticks = datetime.dat_Stamp.ds_Tick - datestamp.ds_Tick;
printf ("%d Days, %d Minutes and %d Ticks to event!\n",
tmin_days, tmin_mins, tmin_ticks);
delay = tmin_ticks + MINUTETICKS*tmin_mins + DAYTICKS*tmin_days;
printf("Delay(%d) !\n", delay);
Delay(delay); // Sleep until event should happen
do_event(req_msg, batch_file); // BANG !!
mark_file ("ENV:EV.LST", offset, " "); // label line as "processed"
// An event's time has come... do it !
void do_event( char *req_msg, char *batch_file) {
char choice;
BOOL batch_ok;
char str[256];
batch_ok = TRUE; // assume no problems with batch file.
if (req_msg) {
if (batch_file) {
choice = popup_requester(req_msg, BUT_OK|BUT_CANCEL); // Notify user of event.
if (choice==BUT_OK)
batch_ok = Execute(batch_file, NULL, NULL);
} else {
choice = popup_requester(req_msg, BUT_OK);
} else if (batch_file)
batch_ok = Execute(batch_file, NULL, NULL);
if(! batch_ok) {
sprintf(str, "Batch file '%s' couldn't be started !\n", batch_file);
popup_requester(str, BUT_OK);
// Parse USER events file and generate a formal list to be sorted on date.
void parse_user_events( void ) {
char firstchar;
char * file_end;
fh = fopen("ENV:ev.raw","w"); // create formal file
txt = events_file; // starting from start of user file...
file_end = txt + file_size; // calculate EOF in buffer
while (txt < file_end) {
// print_line(); **!! DEBUG
firstchar = *txt;
switch (firstchar) {
case ASTERISK: skip_line(); break; // skip comment lines
case LF: txt++; break; // skip empty lines
case TAB:
case SPACE: skip_whitespc(); break; // skip leading indentation
default: process_line(); // process command
skip_line(); break; // and discard any comments
// Process a line from the USER events file.
// Output one/many formalised version(s) for later interpretation.
void process_line(void) {
short actions=1; // default number of events
char *notify_str, *execute_str;
short year,month,day;
// Look for the start of a TimePlanner Event entry.
// These all start with an "ON ...." line
if (is_string(txt,"ON")) {
notify_str = execute_str = NULL; // invalidate str ptrs.
process_on_line(); // get date-time as Ticks values
skip_line(); skip_whitespc(); // goto next line (junk poss. comment)
// Now check for any of the possible actions to do ON that date/time
// First a possible REMINDer line.
if (is_string(txt,"REMIND")) {
actions = process_remind_line();
skip_line(); // trash any remainder
skip_whitespc(); // skip indent on next line
// Then the NOTIFY line.
if (is_string(txt,"NOTIFY")) {
txt += 6; skip_whitespc();
if(*txt != QUOTE) {
printf("No QUOTE after NOTIFY Command.\n");
notify_str = ++txt; // notify str starts past quote
while (*txt != LF) // find end of notify string
*txt = 0; // turn notif. str to C-string
if (*(txt-1) == QUOTE)
*(txt-1) = 0; // and strip closing quote if present
txt++; // goto next line
skip_whitespc(); // skip indent on next line
// Then an optional EXECUTE line.
if (is_string(txt,"EXECUTE")) {
txt += 7; skip_whitespc(); // skip white space between cmd and arg
if(*txt != QUOTE) {
printf("No QUOTE after EXECUTE Command.\n");
execute_str = txt; // execute str INCLUDES quote
while (*txt != LF) // find end of notify string
*txt = 0; // turn notif. str to C-string
skip_whitespc(); // skip indent on next line
// If there's no NOTIFY or EXECUTE to do for this Event : ERROR !
if (notify_str == NULL && execute_str == NULL) {
printf("Error: ON line not followed by any action!... Aborting.\n");
// Now write out N lines (1 minimum, more if reminders)
for (i=0; i<actions; i++) {
ok = DStampToStr(&reminders[i].REM_ds, day_str, date_str, time_str);
// printf("Reminder[%d] = %s %s %s ", i, day_str, date_str, time_str);
year = 1900 + 10*(date_str[7]-'0') + date_str[8] -'0';
month = month_from_str(date_str+3);
day = 10*(date_str[0]-'0') + date_str[1] - '0';
// printf("OUTPUT: %4d %c %02d %s\n", year, month_codes[month], day, time_str);
fprintf(fh, "%4d %c %02d %s", year, month_codes[month], day, time_str);
if (notify_str) {
if (i==0) {
fprintf( fh, " N "); // the first one is main event
} else {
fprintf( fh, " R "); // all others are reminders
fprintf( fh, reminders[i].REM_string); // incl. CR
fprintf( fh, notify_str);
fprintf( fh, "|"); // VERT_BAR ends notify str.
if (execute_str && i==0) {
fprintf( fh, " E ");
fprintf( fh, execute_str);
} else {
if (execute_str) {
fprintf( fh, " E ");
fprintf( fh, execute_str);
fprintf( fh, "\n"); // terminate line in generated file
} // FOR
} // IF (IS_STRING("ON"))
} // end of function
// Process a line starting with the "ON" keyword.
// e.g.
// ON TUE 16-JAN-93 AT 12:00
// ON 22-MAR-87 AT 22:00
// ON 01-JAN-99
void process_on_line (void) {
short day,month,year;
short hour=0,minute=0; // default time specification 00:00 (invalid)
char ch;
char *datestr, *timestr;
txt += 2; skip_whitespc(); // skip over "ON" chars
if (get_dayname() != -1) { // skip over optional day name
txt += 3;
datestr = txt; // remember where date starts.
day = get_num(); // parse date DD-MMM-YYYY
if (day<1 || day >31) printf("Error in day number in ON statement.\n");
if (*txt++ != '-') printf("Error: no hyphen after day number.\n");
month = get_month(); // JAN, FEB, MAR, ...
if (month == -1) printf("Error in month in ON statement.\n");
if (*txt++ != '-') printf("Error: no hyphen after month.\n");
year = get_num();
if (year <1978 || year> 2077) printf("Error in year in ON statement.\n");
ch = *txt;
datestr[7] = datestr[9]; // turn -YYYY into -YY format
datestr[8] = datestr[10];
datestr[9] = 0; // turn date into C-string
ch = *txt; timestr = NULL;
if (ch != LF) { // check optional time specification
if (is_string(txt,"AT")) {
txt += 2; skip_whitespc(); // skip over "AT" chars
timestr = txt; // remember where timestr starts
hour = get_num(); if(hour<0 || hour>23) printf("Error in hour\n");
if (*txt++ != COLON) printf("Error: no colon in time.\n");
minute = get_num(); if (minute<0 || minute >59) printf("Error in minutes\n");
ch = timestr[5]; // remember what we're overwriting
timestr[5] = 0; // turn time into C-string
datetime.dat_Format = FORMAT_DOS;
datetime.dat_StrDate= datestr;
datetime.dat_StrTime= timestr;
datetime.dat_Flags = 0;
if (!timestr) { // if no time was specified:
datetime.dat_Stamp.ds_Minute = 0; // set time to 00:00
datetime.dat_Stamp.ds_Tick = 0;
} else {
timestr[5] = ch; // restore char in line
for (i=0; i< MAX_REMINDERS; i++) {
reminders[i].REM_ds = datetime.dat_Stamp;
// Process a line starting with the "REMIND" keyword.
short process_remind_line (void) {
short times=1; // array index
int units;
BOOL theres_more=TRUE;
txt += 6; skip_whitespc(); // skip over "REMIND" chars
while (theres_more && times < MAX_REMINDERS) {
if (is_string(txt, "MONTH")) {
strcpy( reminders[times].REM_string, "1 Month to go before...");
adjust ( &reminders[times++].REM_ds, MONTHTICKS);
txt += 5; // skip over "MONTH" keyword
if (*txt == COMMA) { // check if there are more
txt++; skip_whitespc(); // reminders
} else {
theres_more = FALSE;
continue; // goto WHILE
if (is_string(txt, "DAY")) {
strcpy( reminders[times].REM_string, "1 Day to go before...");
adjust ( &reminders[times++].REM_ds, DAYTICKS);
txt += 3; // skip over "DAY" keyword
if (*txt == COMMA) {
txt++; skip_whitespc();
} else {
theres_more = FALSE;
if (is_string(txt, "HOUR")) {
strcpy( reminders[times].REM_string, "1 Hour to go before...");
adjust ( &reminders[times++].REM_ds, HOURTICKS);
txt += 4; // skip over "HOUR" keyword
if (*txt == COMMA) {
txt++; skip_whitespc();
} else {
theres_more = FALSE;
if (units = get_num()) { // if a non-zero number at the start
skip_whitespc(); // skip over space
if (is_string(txt, "DAYS")) {
sprintf(reminders[times].REM_string, "%d Days to go before...", units);
adjust ( &reminders[times++].REM_ds, DAYTICKS * units);
txt += 4; skip_whitespc();
if (*txt == COMMA) {
txt++; skip_whitespc();
} else {
theres_more = FALSE;
if (is_string(txt, "HOURS")) {
sprintf(reminders[times].REM_string, "%d Hours to go before...", units);
adjust ( &reminders[times++].REM_ds, HOURTICKS * units);
txt += 5; skip_whitespc();
if (*txt == COMMA) {
txt++; skip_whitespc();
} else {
theres_more = FALSE;
if (is_string(txt, "MINUTES")) {
sprintf(reminders[times].REM_string, "%d Minutes to go before...", units);
adjust ( &reminders[times++].REM_ds, MINUTETICKS * units);
txt += 7; skip_whitespc();
if (*txt == COMMA) {
txt++; skip_whitespc();
} else {
theres_more = FALSE;
} // IF (GETNUM)
} // WHILE
return times; // tell how many reminders to generate
// Modify a DateStamp by a number of Ticks.
void adjust (struct DateStamp *ds, ULONG ticks) {
int dd,dm,dt;
//printf("Ticks to adjust: %d\n", ticks);
//printf("BEFORE ADJUSTED Days, Minutes, Ticks: %d, %d, %d\n",
// ds->ds_Days, ds->ds_Minute, ds->ds_Tick);
dd = ticks/DAYTICKS; ticks = ticks%DAYTICKS;
dm = ticks/MINUTETICKS;
dt = ticks%MINUTETICKS;
//printf("Adjustments: %d, %d, %d\n", dd, dm, dt);
ds->ds_Days -= dd;
ds->ds_Minute -= dm;
ds->ds_Tick -= dt;
if(ds->ds_Tick < 0) {
ds->ds_Tick += MINUTETICKS; // make positive again
ds->ds_Minute--; // but adjust minutes
if (ds->ds_Minute < 0) {
ds->ds_Minute += 60*60*24;
//printf("ADJUSTED Days, Minutes, Ticks: %d, %d, %d\n",
// ds->ds_Days, ds->ds_Minute, ds->ds_Tick);
// Get an embedded decimal number. Return 0 if no number !
short get_num(void) {
short num=0;
while( *txt>= '0' && *txt <='9') {
num *=10;
num = num + (*txt -'0');
return num;
// Find month code from 3-letter string. (Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,...)
short month_from_str(char *month) {
short code;
code= *month + *(month+1) + *(month+2); // fold string into unique num
switch (code) {
case 281: return 0; case 269: return 1; case 288: return 2;
case 291: return 3; case 295: return 4; case 301: return 5;
case 299: return 6; case 285: return 7; case 296: return 8;
case 294: return 9; case 307: return 10;case 268: return 11;
// Check text for JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC.
short get_month(void) {
for (i=0; i< NUM_MONTHS; i++) {
if (is_string(txt, months[i])) { // check against array of names
txt += 3;
return (short) i;
return -1; // return negative if not found
// Check text for MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN word.
short get_dayname(void) {
for (i=0; i< NUM_DAYS; i++) {
if (is_string(txt, days[i])) {
return (short) i;
return -1; // return negative if not found
// Compare C-string with embedded word in text.
BOOL is_string( char * text, char * string) {
char *ptr;
char ch;
int result;
ptr = text; // remember start of string
ch = *text++;
while (ch != SPACE && ch != TAB && ch != HYPHEN &&
ch != COMMA && ch != LF ) // find end of word.
ch = *text++;
*(text-1) = 0; // null-terminate word
result = strcmp (ptr, string); // do the comparison
*(text-1) = ch; // put original separator back.
return (BOOL) ! result;
// Printf the LF-terminated line at *txt. (txt is global text pointer)
void print_line(void) {
char *ptr;
char achar;
ptr = txt;
while(*ptr++ != LF) {}
achar = *ptr; *ptr = 0; printf("%s", txt); *ptr = achar;
// Discard rest of line, incl. LF.
void skip_line(void){
while (*txt++ != LF) {}
// Skip TABs and SPACEs in buffer.
void skip_whitespc(void) {
while (*txt == TAB || *txt == SPACE)
// Create day, date and time strings from a DateStamp
BOOL DStampToStr( struct DateStamp *ds, char *daystr, char *datestr, char *timestr) {
datetime.dat_Stamp = *ds; // copy DateStamp struct
datetime.dat_StrDay = daystr; // set string pointers
datetime.dat_StrDate = datestr;
datetime.dat_StrTime = timestr;
datetime.dat_Format = FORMAT_DOS; // std format
return (BOOL) DateToStr(&datetime);
// Cache a specified file.
// OUTPUTS: file_size, file_buf
char *load_file( char * filename) {
ULONG bytes;
BPTR fh;
fh = Open(filename, MODE_OLDFILE);
Seek(fh, 0L, OFFSET_END); // Seek to end of file
bytes = Seek(fh, 0L, OFFSET_BEGINNING); // figure out size of file
if (!bytes) {
printf("File '%s' is empty ! Ouch... (ABORTING)\n", filename);
file_buf = AllocMem(bytes, MEMF_CLEAR); // get a buffer for it
if (!file_buf) {
printf("No buffer for cacheing file '%s'! ABORTING...\n", filename);
file_size = bytes;
bytes = Read(fh, file_buf, bytes);
if (bytes != file_size) {
printf("Read error when reading file '%s'!\n", filename);
FreeMem(file_buf, file_size); // free events file buffer
return file_buf;
void mark_file ( char * file, int position, char * tag) {
BPTR fh;
fh = Open(file, MODE_OLDFILE);
if (fh) {
Seek(fh, position, OFFSET_BEGINNING);
Write(fh, tag, 1);
// Popup a nice information requester with a single "OK" button.
char popup_requester( char *msg, char buttons) {
int gadg;
static struct EasyStruct EventES = {
sizeof (struct EasyStruct),
"TimePlanner Event Notification",
EventES.es_GadgetFormat = "OK"; // assume simplest buttons
if (buttons & BUT_CANCEL) {
EventES.es_GadgetFormat = "Do it.|Skip!"; //
EventES.es_TextFormat = msg;
gadg = EasyRequest(IntuitionBase->ActiveWindow, &EventES, NULL);
switch (gadg) {
case 1: return BUT_OK; // user clicked on 'OK'
case 0: if (buttons & BUT_CANCEL)
return BUT_CANCEL; // user clicked on 'CANCEL'
return BUT_OK;